From Singapore
He graduated from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor and Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering. He studied on Composite Materials and Structures at the Graduate School of System Design in Tokyo Metropolitan University, and received his PhD degree in September 2011. His current research involves both experimental and computational modeling work on Stitched Composites, which is aimed at increasing the interlaminar strength, as well as improving impact resistance of laminated composites.
Journal papers
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa (2012) Effect of Stitch Density and Stitch Thread Thickness on Compression After Impact Strength and Response of Stitched Composites, Composites Science and Technology 72, 87-598.
- K.T.Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2011) Stitch Fibre Comparison for Improvement of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Stitched Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 30 (2), 99-109.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2011) X-ray Radiography and micro Computed Tomography Examination of Damage Characteristics in Stitched Composites subjected to Impact Loading, Composites Part B: Engineering, 42, 874-884.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2011) Impact Damage Resistance, Response and Mechanisms of Laminated Composites Reinforced by Through-Thickness Stitching, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, in press. doi: 10.1177/1056789510397070.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori, H. Hoshi and M. Sano (2010) Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Vectran-Stitched Composites - Experimental and Computational Analysis, Journal of Composite Materials, 44, 3203-3229.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2010) Effect of Stitch Density and Stitch Thread Thickness on Low-Velocity Impact of Stitched Composites, Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 41, 1857-1868.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, and Y. Iwahori (2010) Experimental investigation of bridging law for single stitch fibre using interlaminar tension test, Composite Structures 92, 1399-1409.
Conference papers
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe and Y. Iwahori (2011). Fracture Behaviour and Damage Characteristics of Stitched Composites under Impact and Post Impact Loading, Conference Proceeding for 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, 11-15 Sept, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, A. Yoshimura, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa (2011). Progressive Damage in Stitched Composites under Impact Loading, Conference Proceeding for 18th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-18, 21-26 Aug, Jeju Island, Korea.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa (2011). Influence of Stitch Density and Stitch Thread Thickness on Compression After Impact Strength of Stitched Composites, Conference Proceeding for 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS-16, 28-30 Jun, Porto, Portugal.
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N. Hoshi, H. and Iwahori, Y. Impact-Induced Delamination Suppression in Laminated Composites using through-thickness Stitching, Conference Proceeding for 14th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, 20-23 Sept. 2010, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N. Hoshi, H. and Iwahori, Y. Effectiveness of Stitching in Damage Tolerance of Laminated Composites, Conference Proceeding for 9th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials, CJJCC-9, 6-9 Sept. 2010, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi, Y. Iwahori and T. Ishikawa (2010). Compression after impact Performance of Vectran-Stitched Composites, Conference Proceeding for 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, ACCM-7, 15-18 Nov, Taipei, Taiwan.
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi and Y. Iwahori (2010). Damage Response and Mechanisms of Stitched Composites Under Impact Loading, Conference Proceeding for 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM-14, Budapest, Hungary
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, H. Hoshi and Y. Iwahori (2009). Low Velocity Impact Damage Response of Vectran-Stitched Composites, Conference Proceeding for 7th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Composite Materials, Kanazawa, Japan
- K.T. Tan, N. Watanabe, M. Sano, M. Takase, Y. Iwahori and H. Hoshi (2009). Material Selection of Z-fibre in Stitched Composites - Experimental and Analytical Comparison Approach, Conference Proceeding for 17th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM-17, Edinburgh
- K.T. Tan and N. Watanabe (2009). Computational Modeling of Mode I Fracture Toughness in Vectran-Stitched Composites, Conference Proceeding for JSCM Spring Conference May 09, Tokyo, Japan