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- Tan, K.T., N. Watanabe, N and Iwahori, Y. (2010). Impact Damage Resistance, Response and Mechanisms of Laminated Composites Reinforced by Through-Thickness Stitching, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, accepted for publication.
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N. and Iwahori, Y. (2010). Effect of Stitch Density and Stitch Thread Thickness on Low-Velocity Impact Damage of Stitched Composites, Composites Part A, 41: 1857-1868
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N., Sano, M., Iwahori, Y. and Hoshi, H. (2010) Interlaminar fracture toughness of vectran-stitched composites - Experimental and computational analysis, Journal of Composite Materials, 44, 3203-3229.
- Tan, K.T., N. Watanabe, N. and Iwahori, Y. (2011) Stitch Fibre Comparison for Improvement of Interlaminar Fracture Toughness in Stitched Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 30 (2) 99-109.
- Konishi, Y. and Asai, M. (2010) Development of Subharmonic Disturbance in Spanwise-Periodic Low-Speed Streaks, Fluid Dynamics Research 42, 035504.

- Yudhanto, A., Watanabe, N., Hoshi, H., Iwahori, Y., In-plane Mechanical Characteristics of Stitched Fabrics with and without Holes, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, 7-10 June 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N., Hoshi, H. and Iwahori, Y. Damage Response and Mechanisms of Stitched Composites Under Impact Loading, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM-14, 7-10 June 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N. Hoshi, H. and Iwahori, Y. Impact-Induced Delamination Suppression in Laminated Composites using through-thickness Stitching, Conference Proceeding for 14th US-Japan Conference on Composite Materials, 20-23 Sept. 2010, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- Yudhanto A, Watanabe N, Iwahori Y, Hoshi H. Damage Progression in Stitched Composites containing Circular Hole under Fatigue Loads, 14th US-Japan Conf on Composites, 20-23 Sept. 2010, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- Tan, K.T., Watanabe, N. Hoshi, H. and Iwahori, Y. Effectiveness of Stitching in Damage Tolerance of Laminated Composites, Conference Proceeding for 9th China-Japan Joint Conference on Composite Materials, CJJCC-9, 6-9 Sept. 2010, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia, China.
- Tan,K.T., Watanabe, N., Hoshi, H, Iwahori, Y. and Ishikawa, T. Compression after impact Performance of Vectran-Stitched Composites, Conference Proceeding for 7th Asian-Australasian Conference on Composite Materials, ACCM-7, 15-18 Nov, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
- Asai, M. Effects of roughness on the stability of wall-bounded shear flows, Plenary lecture, 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Dhaka,17-21 Dec. 2010.
- Inasawa, A., Kamijo, T. and Asai, M.: Generation mechanism of trailing-edge noise of airfoil at low Reynolds, 13th Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, Dhaka,17-21 Dec. 2010.
- Inasawa, A., Asai, M. and Floryan, J.M. The influence of change in surface geometry on the stability of flow in a channel, Euromech Fluid Mechnics Conference 8, Germany, 13-16 Sept. 2010.