バンドン工科大学卒.国立シンガポール大学修士課程修了.首都大学東京大学院博士後期課程(航空宇宙システム工学域)修了.2013年3月に博士(工学)の学位取得.2014年2月よりサウジアラビアのKing Abdullah University of Science and Technologyに勤めています.
論 文
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi. (2012) Effect of Stitch Density on Tensile Properties and Damage Mechanisms of Stitched Carbon/Epoxy Composites. Composites Part B (Accepted).
- A Yudhanto, Y Iwahori, N Watanabe, H Hoshi. Open hole fatigue characteristics and damage growth of stitched plain weave carbon/epoxy laminates, International Journal of Fatigue, Volume 43, (2012), pp. 12-22.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi, The effects of stitch orientation on the tensile and open hole tension properties of carbon/epoxy plain weave laminates, Materials & Design, Volume 35, (2012), pp. 563-571.
- Tong-Earn Tay, Guangyan Liu and Arief Yudhanto, Vincent BC Tan. A Micro-Macro Approach to Modeling Progressive Damage in Composite Structures, J. Damage Mechanics, 17 (2008) 5-28.
- Arief Yudhanto, Tong-Earn Tay, Vincent BC Tan. Micromechanical Characterization Parameters for a New Failure Theory for Composite Structures, Key Engineering Materials, 306-308 (2006) 781-786.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Laminates under Static and Fatigue Loadings, Proceeding of the 6th International Conference on Fracture of Polymers, Composites and Adhesives, September 11-15, 2011, Les Diablerets, Switzerland.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Composites: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation. Proceeding of the 18th International Conference of Composite Materials (ICCM-18), August 21-26, 2011, Jeju Island, South Korea.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). In-plane Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Composites by Homogenization Method, Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS-16), June 28-30, 2011, Porto, Portugal.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Numerical and Experimental Studies of the Mechanical Properties of Stitched Composites, Proceeding of the Annual Meeting on Science and Technology Studies (AMSTECS), June 10-12, 2011, Tokyo, Japan. (Best Presentation Award).
- N Watanabe, S Takahashi, A Yudhanto (2011). Formulation of 3D Homogenization Method with Relieved Periodic Boundary Condition. Proceeding of the 53rd International Conference on Structural Mechanics, July 27-29, 2011, Akita, Japan.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Vectran-Stitched Composites by Homogenization Method, Proceeding of the 2nd Japan Society of Composite Materials Conference (JSCM-2), March 16-18, 2011, Tokyo, Japan.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2011). Tensile Fatigue Properties of Vectran-Stitched Composites containing Hole, Proceeding of the 3rd Regional Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Technology (RCMeAe 2011), March 4-5, 2011, Manila, Philippines.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2010). Damage Progression in Stitched Composites Containing Hole under Fatigue Load. Proceeding of the US-Japan Conference Composite/American Society of Composites, September 20-23, 2010, Dayton, Ohio, USA.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, Y Iwahori, H Hoshi (2010). Open Hole Tension Characteristics of Plain-Woven and Non-Crimp Fabrics with Stitches. Proceeding of the 52nd International Conference on Structural Mechanics, July 21-23, 2011, Tottori, Japan.
- A Yudhanto, N Watanabe, H Hoshi, Y Iwahori (2010). In-plane Mechanical Characteristics of Stitched Fabrics with and without Holes. Proceeding of the 14th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-14), June 7-10, 2010, Budapest, Hungary.
- Arief Yudhanto, Ong Eng Teo and Ong Eng Hong. Effects of Element Formulations of 8-noded Hexahedron on HDD Dynamics under Shock. 6th Asia-Pacific Conf. on Shock & Impact on Structures, 2007
- Chua KT, Arief Yudhanto, Mou J and Ong EH. Investigation of Soft-Failure of Small-Form Factor HDD under Forced-Vibration. Conf. Proc. Asia-Pacific Magnetic Recording Conf, Singapore, 2006.
- Arief Yudhanto and Bambang K. Hadi. Sandwich Panels Stability under Constant Displacement, 3rd Numerical Analysis in Engineering Conf. 2003.