

Huy Quang Ho, Ph.D




■論 文
  1. Huy Quang Ho and Masahito Asai:Experimental study on the stability of laminar flow in a channel with streamwise and oblique riblets, Physics of Fluids 30, 024106 (2018).
  2. Huy Quang Ho, Masahito Asai, Shohei Takagi, Experiments on dependency of streak breakdown on disturbance nature, European Journal of Mechanics B/Fluid, 66, 1-9 (2017).
  1. Huy Quang Ho and Masahito Asai, Experimental study on efects of riblets on the stability of plane channel flow, 2017 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Aerospace Technology (APISAT 2017), Oct. 16-18, 2017, Seoul.
  2. Huy Quang Ho and Masahito Asai, Experiments on the stability of flow in a channel with riblets, International Workshop on Investigation and Control of Transition to Turbulence in UEC, Sept. 20-22, 2017, Tokyo.
  3. Huy Quang Ho, Masahito Asai and Shohei Takagi: Development of streak instability modes excited by turbulent fluctuations, 15th Asian Conference of Fluid Mechanics, Kuching, Malaysia, 21-23 Nov. 2016.
  4. Huy Quang Ho, Masahito Asai and Shohei Takagi: Breakdown of a low-speed streak caused by turbulent fluctuations, International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated flows, Stockholm, 16-18 June, 2015.